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Basketball Athletic Development Program

Five Principles


Energy Systems



Data Collection

Five Tenets of Programming

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1. Athleticism

Improving speed, power and overall athleticism is the #1 priority for our ADP athletes.  For basketball the focus is on increasing vertical jump, acceleration and lateral quickness.

2. Resilience 

The best ability is availability!  Tissue resilisience and joint health are imperative for athletes to be able to stay on the court.

3. Lifestyle

Coaching athletes goes beyond the weight-room.  Athletes need to monitor their nutrition, sleep hygiene and lifestyle factors if they want to take their game to the next level.

4. Data Collection

What can be measured can be improved.  We collect data on our athletes in various ways to be able to improve them by their individual needs.

5. Energy Systems

Understanding the energy systems of basketball leads to our athlete's being in optimal shape.  Conditioning is an often over looked facet of basketball, we want our athletes to be able to perform at 100% in the fourth quarter. 


Case Study

"Warren has helped me tremendously throughout my basketball journey this summer.


On top of gaining 20 pounds of muscle, he has given me valuable advice on how to navigate the politics in basketball and to stay focused on one goal.


 Enfort Fitness is why I made a big leap in skill and strength this summer."

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VALD Testing Results

Vertical Jump - Gained 6 inches!

Lower body peak force - Up 6%.

Lower body ballistic force - Up 11.5%.

Hamstrings 24+% stronger.

Hips 10+% stronger.

Shoulders 17+% stronger.

Yahya Abdisamed

ONL-X Basketball



Warren Lindsay

Owner/ Strength Coach

National Strength & Conditioning Association:

  • Certified Personal Trainer

National Academy of Sports Medicine:

  • Performance Enhancement Specialist

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Fitness Nutrition Specialist

  • Golf Fitness Specialist

National Sports Performance Association:

  • Certified Speed & Agility Coach

  • Certified Weightlifting Performance Coach

  • Certified Program Design Specialist

Precision Nutrition:

  • PN1 Coach

Functional Movement Systems:

  • Level 2 FMS

  • Y-Balance Test

  • Fundamental Capacity Screen

Poliquin International Certification Program:

  • Level 2 - State Coach

Association of Basketball Specialists:

  • Basketball Speed Specialist 

Our Testing Equipment

Take a peak at what we use to evaluate our athletes - VALD Performance.


25 NBA teams and 100+ NCAA universities use VALD to assess their basketball players, we can now provide our athletes with the same quality of service.


This technology takes the guesswork out of testing and informs us exactly where and what an athlete needs to focus on.  It also gives us our baseline which is valuable in a return to sport situation where an athlete is coming back from injury.

What We Offer

Perks of joining:


  • 2 x Group Training Sessions per week.


  • Open Gym Membership.


  • Entrance and Exit athletic testing done through our VALD Performance equipment.


  • Program delivered via Teambuildr software. 


  • No contracts/commitments, payments are done month-by-month.


Value of total services - $539/month


Your Price - $299/month + HST


* Open Gym Hours:

Mon-Friday:  7am-4pm

Saturday: 9am-4pm

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